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Full Version: Speed Racer
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Ok people, honestly, raise your hands if your going to go see it...

I MIGHT go see it, big might and maybe depending if I can get a few friends to go with me. I am a fan of the original Speed Racer show, so I am fearful and skeptical of this movie but also excited to see what they've done.
I'm going to go see it, it looks freaking awesome. The race tracks make me think of F-Zero kinda which is weird, but I'm totally cool with it XD
Plus, they did such a good job at making the actors look like the characters, if nothing else, this will be cool to see.
This movie looks ridiculous...
I dont know this looks to futuristic and looks nothing like the series. There is also a new animated series to match the movie, it too looks awful.
Yeah the movie looks fail....but its Speed Racer so i have to see it.
1/2 looks cg =/
LOL...that new anime show they are making looks like total butt...
The movie looks like it stayed pretty faithful to the original anime (Despite large technology improvements.) And they made it look cartoonish with the settings and costumes =3 Oh, and they stayed true to Sprital hiding in the trunk (I was happy about that okay?! D=)

I so want to see it XD
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