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Full Version: Confused as heck
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Okay, so I come from a server where all the warps are available. So I looked at one the leveling guides, it says Glastheim Culvert 12-25, but how are you supposed to get there when you have to walk through geffen field with kobolds and stuff?
Uhhh... Where is this leveling guide?
If you're talking about "The Leveling Compendium" thread - that's not Glastheim Culverts it is talking about... it's the Prontera Culverts.
At 12-25 even if you could get to Glastheim it would be too hard, culvert however is a good place. To enter you'll have to apply at the recruiter, he's located in Prontera city, inside a building which is located north-west of the city (knight guild).
Ohhh Prontera culverts hehe, forgot they existed, thanks.
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