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Full Version: Hi o.o
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Hi I'm Endless, yeah i know, stupid name but somebody took "Eternity" which is like my favorite name ever....but I digress.
Anyways I'm new here, I'm in high school and I'm going through my finals right know which is.. pain...
My hobby's include:
- Asuraing people in PvP (don't revamp my fish ;_Icon_wink
- Stealing Trowa's Spirit Spheres
- Making fun of Kira and Shikari
- Reading... lots of reading...
But you'll be able to tell if its me from my name:
EndlessNight, EndlessDance, EndlessStealth, etc. etc.
SOOOOO~ if you have a question about any books you can ask me cuz I've probably read it, and.... if you see me in PvP, I'll probably be asuraing somebody Icon_twisted
Welcome ^_^;
You arent in highschool o_o;; you're in 8th grade. why must you lie. Icon_sad Anyways hi FullRotation365 :O/Rams360
welcome :D you must be the monk i met last night, nice to meet you Endless.

PS: theres more to monk then Asura
LIES its all Asura~
Funny how you were the one who started the no fish in pvp/woe post o_o
Okay, I've taken enough of the drama and crap that comes with this server, at least thats directed towards my crap sniper that everybody seems to hate now. I screwed up major on my first few characters (pissing people off, acting like a noob, getting involved in scamming crap like this)

As of tonight FullRotation365, EndlessNight any alts they may have had will be deleted along with every equip and zeny that they posses. I will be making a completely fresh start, hopefully it goes better the second time around.

Edit: Or maybe I'll drop all of my stuff in Pront, so be in Pront in about half an hour, some shtuff might be dropped.
stop being emo, dont delete your chars, no one hates you >_>.
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