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Full Version: AFI, Miss Murder
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Wow... my friend just pointed out something really weird...
Miss Murder, by AFI is a pro-hitler song... scary...
-"He left as all behind", Hitler killed himself, left the nazis "behind"
-The hair style Davey is wearing in the video is modeled after Hitler
-Multiple times Davey uses the hand symbol thing that honors Hitler
-"And how his children cried", Nazis... children...
-"Hey Miss Murder can I, make beauty stay if I, take my life?" Nazi's view on life: If you take your life, you can preserve the worlds beauty.
-In the video he has people under him, also using the hand symbol thing
-"Ever Searching for what we were promised", a perfect world.
-"Reaching for the golden ring we'd never let go, but who would ever let us get our filthy hands on it?" Golden ring could be a lot of things, IMO world domination, or maybe a perfect world.

But wow this about AFI both offends me and turns me off of the band.
Not sure why I made this post, just thought it was an interesting topic Icon_suprised
if you seen the music video im sure you would of noticed quicker considering he does the "Hi Hitler" gesture and the fact that hes looking at a bunch of nazi's too gives you a hintIcon_razz
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