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Well most of you have prolly been thinking, "where the hell is lust?"

To make a long story short, my computer is broke and I = poor
So I pretty much cant play till I get the money to fix this unholy beast (thats my crappy computer for ya)

I hope to return sumtime in the near future but for now I must say farewell

I will try to be on here often and talk to anyone that wishes to talk at meh Icon_biggrin
Good luck with your computer trouble, come back soon Icon_smile
I shall miss your craziness Chili Pepper ;-;
*Remembers your nickname she gave you last summer suddenly*

Hopefully you can get your compy fixed and play with all of us again!
*ahem* A wee update for all those who care
I do have a job *and it sux >.> never work at airports*
so hopefully soon when I save enough cash I shall be buying a new computer so I can see all meh sexeh friends *thats u tripp*

So the day of Lusteh may return sooner then expected......

*prolly not though lmao*
BloodLust Wrote:Well most of you have prolly been thinking, "where the hell is lust?"

You read my mind. Come back soon Blud~
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