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Full Version: cows cause global warming
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i forgot when i had this convo and with who but just for s**** and giggles cow farts got brought up .. now i find this article.. i cant believe i found a site where educated people thought up this same goofy idea and take it seriously to boot.??cow farts cause global warming after all.
This increasingly pervasive way of thinking should be dubbed 'the green disease'. Then we should quarantine those infected while searching for a cure.
Waaaah. We need to eat more cows!!! Save our planet!!!

Kadar, you stole my second place >.<
this is exactly like the south park episode with the fart global warming Icon_razz
Now every green peace person has to eat 3 cows :<
Lmao! So every activist, in order to save the world, must eat cows! Thus defeating the purpose they serve. Animal rights and what not.

I know.. It's a leap anda half.
dude, if u eat them, farmers will raise even more and cause more methane emissions...

anyway, i think this is inapproriate as the fraction of methane that cows produce is negligible if compared to transportation emissions...

so let's not eat cows (and other methane-emitting animals) anymore... whose up to being a vegetarian? (then you're gonna be the one who emits methane lol)

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