heRO-Server Forum

Full Version: Willy
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Hey everyone how's everyone doing and the server? Well just wanted to pop up and say hi. It looks like the server is still alive and a lot of people joined, that's good. Everything here in Japan is fine, i've been underway a lot and seen a lot of things, done a lot of things and it has been one crazy adventure. I want to play but there's no time out here to do much just work work work and protect our front lines of defense out here in 7th fleet, i'll probably pop up next week or something to say hi ingame that is if the time difference doesn't beat me up! Well take it easy I got watch in 30 mins, bye bye and have fun with the pixelated characters.

hey Back, good to see you're still alive and kickin' - things are going pretty well here, so make sure and take care til you can get Back back ba... n_n;;
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