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Full Version: Homunculus rule NPS problems
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OK im having a real hard time with the rule of homo npc...
i dono if im a compleat retard or some thing , But i know im dyslexic.
The npc wants me to anser a question by typing it.
i have tried typing "potion pitcher" and "bolts" but i still get a buzzer claming im wrong.
so what have i missred ?? this is making me insane!
I know the rules , but i do have a problem with reading / spelling !
The npc say this:
-----Assistant Fao-----
You're not allowed to have any
auto-alchemist skilltriggered by
the homunculus AI, such as potion
Pitcher or any bolts, what's the
last skill i mentionned
-----Assistant Fao-----
whats the anser!
I think the NPC says a little list of skills in its speech before asking the questions. I remember something like that, but I'm not sure...
The npc mentions 3 skills not allowed to be triggered by the ai, then asks you a question mentioning 2 of those skills and wanting to know the third one, just re-read what the npc says and you should be able to find the answer.
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