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Full Version: Geonosis - Home of the Separatist Union <-> MogNet is taking my calls.
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HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!! hmm am thinking of doing a mini-event. JUGGGGGGGGSSSSSSS where are you!!!!!!!????????
i dont get what this is about but this guild really sucks..

The guild is Lvl 16!!

People please join so we can get increase our guild capacity!
(Guild skill point is still available)

oh and Cass, I slept in today ^_^

and I see Ema is on the naughty list Icon_wink
you know it papa juggalot
(Guild is now and for the time being Lvl 17)

<--- Leader of Geonosis.

Anyhow, here's the short story of why Geonosis ground to a halt.

Because I can't play RO and attend classes during Fall / Spring at the same time (Please, gotta chase some college skirts y'know?), Around December, (when I left Community/Commuter College and started going to a 4-yr) I elected to pass leadership to Humphrey / Mace etc. Humps being the enterprising leader type he is wouldn't hear of it and instead started MogNet on his own. I am impressed that he did in 6 months what I took 3 years to do Icon_razz

So I suppose I'm here to wave the recruiter flag for MogNet lol. Uhm. Since I am technically a part of MogNet too, (my Hunter Jester is Cait Sith).

Consider Geonosis as in cold hibernation folks~

If I am ever able to devote full time to Hero (and oh boy what would that take... scary) it'll wake up....IF.

I ain't going anywhere folks.

*Currently playing during his vacations*
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