heRO-Server Forum

Full Version: Howdy
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Hey there, for those of you who don't know me, (Which I assume is the vast majority who reads this.) I'm Boxy.

I came here while searching for info for RO, having started only two days ago. I found myself kind of disappointed with the game though, so I decided to join this game, since it seemed much more interesting. Here's hoping I'm right.

See you all in game,
Welcome Boxy, if you have any questions just ask in main and someone is bound to awnser. ;D
Hope you like it here, my Ingame name is Kretzer, im the Knight that runs around in a Tux ;D
welcome boxy...

don't forget to read the forums and wiki for tips and hints...

GL and HF

Welcome Boxy ^_^

Hope you have fun in heRO, if you have questions just ask in forums, or on main like Kretzer said, the Wiki is also a great source of info, as is RMS (http://www.ratemyserver.net) for all the job quests, skill quest, official gear quest and lots of other great guides.
Kretzer: Tried it, and got a lot of help, thanks for the tip. Also, I believe I saw you chatting about in Main. I'll make sure to say Hi, should I see you in-game.

Maha: Will do, thanks. :D

Pandora: Alrighty, I'll try to remember all that if I ever feel lost.

Now this is what I call a warm reception. x3
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