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Full Version: I upgrade, EVERYONE WINS!
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Hola amigos/as!!

Quigly has opened up shop!

Upgrading weapons with an increased rate over the NPC!

Fee's are similar to NPC's and upgrading ores are required (I can also sell most to you at same NPC price (phracon/emveretarcon) and I will charge 15k per Oridicon I have to provide. Payment will happen before upgrading and I will trade you back any unused ores and the zeny that would have been used with them when upgrading is complete.

LVL 1 Weapons - 1 Phracon and 50z per attempt

LVL 2 Weapons-??1 Emveretarcon and 200z per attempt

LVL 3 Weapons-??1 Oridecon and 5,000z per attempt

LVL 4 Weapons-??1 Oridecon and 20,000z per attempt*

*LVL 4 Weapon fee is negotiable depending on the number of attempts that I perform for you.

Here are my success rates at upgrading weapons:

???????????????????? Lv. 1????????Lv. 2????????Lv. 3????? ? Lv. 4??
+4 -> +5????? ? 100%?????? 100%????? ?100%???? ? ?70%??
+5 -> +6????????100%????? ?100%????? ? 70%???? ? ? 50%??
+6 -> +7????????100%????? ?70%?????? ??60%???? ?? ??50%??
+7 -> +8????? ? 70%??????? ?50%?????? ??30%???? ?? ??30%
+8 -> +9????? ???50%????????30%?????? ??30%???? ?? ??30%??
+9 -> +10????? ?30%????????30%??????? ?30%????? ? ??20%??

ALSO! Very soon to come! Weapon forging!

Forging all types of weapons for heRO's!??Also, shops will appear in Prontera with premade weapons and upgraded premium VVS Elemental weapons.??Expect prices to be reasonable.. more info as it comes!

+7 VVS Ice Two Handed Axe- 1.5m
+7 VVS Fire Two Handed Axe- 1.5m

Have a great day!
My only complaint with NPC prices is that refines on lv 4 weapons are expensive =/ but otherwise, I'm all for giving you a shot when I get more junk to break.
True, they may be 20k per attempt.. but a WS isnt free to lvl (at least not quickly and efficiently) and I'm counting on repairing some of the zeny cost I put into this character getting him to this point over the next few months when I start to forge once 99/70 and throught this upgrading service, I'm hoping people will appreciate that I charge as much as the NPC with a 8% (soon 9%) better success, especially for lvl4 weapons, which have a pretty steep drop in success early on.

It may not be free, but its how I'll operate. There is always the possibility of negotiations in service (forging mats/ori) in exchange for zeny or I may reduce prices for large bulk orders.??Anyhow, feel free to post comments or questions here and I'll let you know of any lvl upgrades I get in the future that effect success rate.
*Sees Herman taking Sora's forging/upgrading business away* D:

I didn't know that getting a job level besides 50 or 70 somewhat helps increases your chances. I thought it was either to get to job 50 (to get the same rate as the refiner NPC) or to job 70 (to get 10% increase chance than the NPC). There was nothing inbetween, unless I'm hearing things... /swt
Every 2 job lvls after 50 you get a 1% better chance to succeed. Not sure how the odd job lvls work tho.

And yes, your business is mine... MUAHAHAH
soras not a real whitesmith he just plays one on TV. though i was pretty sure its only job 60 and above with 1% per job level instead of 2. either RMS is wrong or eAthena screwed up emulating the real skill.
Hmm.. Well I've looked at the skill ingame and it says at job 50 you have same success as the NPC and at 70 its 10% better.. I assumed .5% per lvl increase based on even steps.. not to say skill or item descriptions havent ever been wrong though..haha. someone have some educated insight on this or do i have to do some digging?
if iRO still counts as a standard, its 60 on iRO.
Since when has it teox? Icon_razz
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