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[Image: LWTitle-1.gif]

Legendary Warriors was founded in 2006 by ExDeath, originally to house his many alts. Starting out in Aldebaran WoE, the guild grew steadily until it became a major competitor in the trans WoE scene. LW now includes a heavy focus on taking down high tier MvPs and conducting guild leveling parties in RO's most challenging dungeons, as well as it's ongoing participation in WoE. The guild currently sits at level 28 and ranks as the highest leveled guild, currently active on heRO.

Formerly residing in Payon, the guild relocated to Comodo before finally settling into its current headquarters, located in Hugel. Originally led by Ex, the guild has seen it's leadership undergo change numerous times since it's origins. Currently, the guild is co-led by Averan, Obito and teOx.

LW is currently home to some of the servers oldest and most experienced players. As such, we can help you with any questions you may have about heRO's custom content, as well as RO in general. We welcome both newcomers to the game, as well as RO veterans. Newcomers are of course encouraged to seek help when required, as we are well aware of how difficult it can be starting out.

[Image: WoETitle-1.gif]

For most of 2008, LW focused mainly on defense, holding Pront for roughly 7 months. Our focus has recently shifted to a more casual, offensive stance in WoE. As such, we can offer one of the most exciting WoE experiences on heRO. While it is encouraged that members try to attend WoE at least once a week where possible, we understand if people are unable to make it every time.

To encourage our members to attend WoE, the guild has implemented a treasure sharing system, available to any member who WoEs. The system relies purely on active participation in WoE, so even the newest members to the guild are eligible to ask for treasure drops. More information on the guild treasure system can be found in the guild's private forums.

[Image: MVPTitle-1.gif]

Along with guild parties, MvPing remains one of LW's primary focuses. If you like the challenge of taking down high tier MvPs, LW is the guild for you. We currently frequent MvPs such as Valkyrie Randgris, Thanatos, Kiel and Hibram, with less frequent attempts at Bio3 MvPs and Ifrit. On a more long term basis, we are looking to take down Beelzebub as well.

[Image: MVP-SSs.gif]

Of course, our focus doesn't only lie with the high end MvPs. In the case where we don't have the people for the MvPs listed above, smaller parties are setup to take down the more frequented MvPs. We also fit in the occasional guild BB/DB party.

[Image: PartiesTitle.gif]

To complement the guilds strong focus on MvPing, we also fit in frequent guild leveling parties. These parties usually take place in Thors, Nameless or Bio3 but may also include Thanatos Tower, on the way to taking down Thanatos.

We also strive to help newer members to the guild, catch up in terms of levels, so they can join in with said parties. Of course, we aren't offering a free ride; members still need to show some initiative to level into the 90's when the rest of the guild is busy with their own endeavors. Having said that, new members are encouraged to ask for help should you get tired of the grind.


Joining is simple. You can either leave your contact details here so that we can contact you, make your way to Hugel to ask one of our members for an invite or you can ask for any of us over @main (only use this if no one is in Hugel).

Just a few things to note before you do sign up:
    - Join on your intended main character.

    - We currently have no class or level restrictions for new recruits.

    - Long periods of inactivity (without explanation) may lead to expulsion from the guild. This will only occur when space is needed.

    - English is encouraged in guild chat.

    - Avoid starting any conflict within the guild. Should you have a problem with another member, discuss it with one of the guild's leaders so we can sort it out.

    - Try to be active in guild chat so we can get to know you.

Come join now! Ok
G?n?ral_Argos Wrote:[removed]

Come join now! Ok

Krim is 100% right. hahaha
awesome job! :D

Join LW D<!
join now and ill give u a +10knife[3] Laugh
why play RO to NOT do the things you wanna do and never experience the end game?

we're all about having fun in RO. we always have veterans willing to help or lead a party to any dungeon. join us today for our casual atmosphere and awesomeness!

join LW... if your good <_< >_>


hello there legendary warroirs
i ahve been playing for long enough now
and am not in any particular guild
my main char is a lvl 98/50 sin
hopefully to be a sinx soon
called God Of War
thx in advance Gow
welcome to the guild Gow! Icon_razz
welcome to the guild Icon_biggrin
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