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Full Version: What Anime Character Personality Fits Your Ro Character?
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Many People By nature Get attached to their Ro characters in a way and sometimes they can be compared to anime characters.

Name of Character,anime, character ,Pic ,Vid Link, W/e Works as always
Saichi Bloodbane Can Be Compared to Ginpachi From The Anime Gintama

Youd Have to Watch The anime To Understand Lol Icon_razz

[Image: GinSanSmirk.jpg]

[Image: Ginta.jpg]

Heres Link To Episode 1

i'm the juggernaut b**** Icon_biggrin

I also do hulk and sangief signature moves ^~^
*poke* OI OI!!! Anime CHARACTER PLOX!
Adrillf = Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky 4th or Ed for short

You're not quite sure what's going on, but you at least know that something is happening. It doesn't always need to follow logic, but hey who really cares about logic, and being 'optimal'.


[Image: ed3.gif]
I have no anime characters on which I base my characters for RP wise in RO...they are more closely related to some book characters which nobody would know about, and it was unintentional when I made them sort of that way XD
pshahh, close enuff~
I guess now that I think of it, I base my RO character off of Vash from TrigunIcon_biggrin

[Image: vash32.jpg]
[Image: vash.jpg]

I really don't know anyone who hasn't watched Trigun before, if you haven't, make sure you watch it asap!Icon_biggrin
*This world is made of.... LOVE AND PEACE!!!*

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