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Full Version: ANONYMOUS poll : What is your age
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I have a questions for the gm team (If I may).

At the light of the results of this pool, why is it you want the server to be absolutly pg-13?
Although my answer has no relevance to a GM team, I'd imagine we can never keep track of who's logging into the server. Not everyone visits the forums and while many of us range in the higher ages it will never include everyone x_X.

krimnoob Wrote:At the light of the results of this pool

But this thread makes it somewhat clear what heRO\\\'s average player age is. I believe that\'s what krim is getting at :]
actually RO is rated T (Teen) in the US and canada.

Contains content that is considered unsuitable for children under 13 years of age. Titles in this category may contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling, and/or infrequent use of moderate to strong language.

GMs are a bit off banning for puck then complaining about having to babysit.
lol if i didn't have my b day recently my age wouldn't have fit on that poll ^^;;

PS: 49 votes =/= the server's average number of players
Because it is easy to lie in a pool, not everyone reads and posts in the forums and that even if one person is less then 10, we don't want to say bad things to him.

If you personally say bad things in front of a kid or don't care what they see, then you obviously wont be a good parent.

@ Teox, watch the attitude.

Don't want any flaming.
What would be the point of lying in the pool, it is an anonymous poll?
I am just questionning the choice of have a policy to make the server babysited for the 13 years old while they are very far from representing the average player of the server.
G?n?ral_Argos Wrote:What would be the point of lying in the pool, it is an anonymous poll???
I am just questionning the choice of have a policy to make the server babysited for the 13 years old while they are very far from representing the average player of the server.??
I agree with you man, but what can we do, its up to the GMs =\
Server is G rated, was since day 1 and will stay this way to ensure maximum audience acceptance.

@ Krimlin, go study IPMSH (initiation au pratiques et la m?thodologie des sciences humaines) and you will see whats wrong in your poll.
17 turning 18 in april 11.

And no lie, if you don't believe me on that statistic I gave out about 33 being the average gamer age, read this ad


and this site, is one of the best sites to get info about stuff like this and also for finding jobs in the gaming industry.

I started RO on a trial, but really started about 4 years ago.
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