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Full Version: Yo Favorite Old Game that u haven't picked up in a while.
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Mines is a tie between Jet Set Radio Future and Suikoden. I just recently got jet set radio future to work on my 360, and was like whoaaaaa so long since ive heard some of this bgm. Im not sure what it was about the game that appealed to me so much. Then again.....
I love Graffiiti
Hate Cops and would like to spray paint on there backs
Hip Hop's my thing

But I can't skate, but when I played this game it made me wanna rig some skates with boosts and go spray up harris street park XD. I think the way the characters look and the enviornments graphics were pretty cool and inspiring too.

Suikoden........thats story even though it was so original, KIds the son of a great general in a crazy empire, rulers being curropted by some Double DD sized old lady Wizard that hits on u with like an age difference of 300 years?
Kid has a friend that turns out to be like 300 years old and didn't know/care cause they were best friends. He's hiding from the wizard cause he's gay XD
he ends up getting beat down and the kids like WTF who did this? then gaurds come to take him away and the kids like HELL NO, so they run and end up joining a rival upcoming empire that ends up owning them all in the face.

Its story, I think is what made me play it over, and over, and over again until I wanted to play the second one.

You don't have to type a long thing like i just did (you probally won't) but still, old games that gives you good memories of things or old games you really want to play again are good for this post.
Megaman 2, Duck Hunt, Uniracers, Worms armagedon, Super Bomberman 2, Quake 3 Arena, Final Fantasy (NES) TNMT Arcade, Street Figther II, ect...
I love JSRF, didnt know it worked on the 360, I should definitely give it another run nowIcon_biggrin.

I think my favorite game that I haven't played in forever (hell, haven't even beaten it), is Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. That game is a masterpiece in all aspects (gameplay, music, storyline, you name it). I remember playing it as a little kid, I went through the game twice, and always got stuck on the last boss (damn you Ganon!!). I still regret to this day selling it off in anger, I will definitely need to pick it up one of these days and finally beat it.
Totally has to Jet Set...
then i would say it have to Ratchet and Clack, or any old zelda game... Icon_twisted
Probably either Deus Ex...

... or Battlezone. Not the original 8 bit line version. The RTS/FPS hybrid that was freaking pwnage.
Fire Emblem, its pretty cool and challenging.
Tetris !
Sepharius Wrote:... or Battlezone. Not the original 8 bit line version. The RTS/FPS hybrid that was freaking pwnage.
Battlezone was an awesome game, I wish the concept survived longer.

But I think the SNES had one of the highest concentrations of incredibly well-done games. Tales of Symphonia, Fire Emblem 4/5, Final Fantasy 4-6, Chrono Trigger, Ogre Battle, and Bust A Move. Can't beat that.
MoM was great, still miss it. Master of Magic for those who don't know it.

Maybe another will come to mind.
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