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Full Version: A< Alice Doll[1]
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Here goes the auction of this pretty item.

I keep the right to remove this auction item if i don't like what is offered.

This auction will last a week, so next week before Sunday WoE I will tell the winner.

I will really give more interest for items I'm looking for. the item worth I gives its to me only, may not reflect reality of others...

Alice Doll[1]:

Money bid start at: 25m (almost no worth to my eyes as money is easy to get)

I'm looking for:
+7 tidals shoes[1] (15m max worth, as its easy to drop with an HP)
green ferus card (8m max worth, not really hard to drop)
+7 valkyrie Shield[1] (overprice, everyone can dream Icon_twisted)
2x zerom card (9m max worth each)
+0-+7 queens whip[2] (+0-+4 start with 12m worth, higher upgrade value more)

I may update this list if I think of anything else.

If you need it, what would you value a +4 valkyrie shield [thara frog card] as?
She only need + 7 Valky Sheild because she already got the Thara Frog Card and the next Valky Sheild we drop go to her.

Pretty sure im right and i just post for a faster anwser = )
Oh okay. :3
Goodluck to you then~
Ty Pelouse xD all was said lol
Love the pricing, good luck.
Looks like no one interested...

auction closed. No winner