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Full Version: Religion of the flying spaghetti monster
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Really. This is just here for the lawlz.

But, it is a real religion apparently o_o;
You sound surprised.
Silk follows this religion.

We have a sculpture at uni, on one of the buildings that we think may be the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
It sure as hell doesn't look like anything else.
Yea, I already know bout em :]

A good reply from a teacher to the obligation of teaching creationism :]
I had already known of Pastafarianism.
Where do they practice their religious beliefs? Shrines? Mosques? Temples? Churches? Sunken Pirate Ships?
The interwebs.

It involves spaghetti monsters. You think they'd leave the house?
im pretty sure its a joke site. flying spaghetti monster religion was an idea from a south park episode making fun of religion in general.

can you smell the sarcasm XD?

"Some claim that the church is purely a thought experiment, satire, illustrating that Intelligent Design is not science, but rather a pseudoscience manufactured by Christians to push Creationism into public schools. These people are mistaken. The Church of FSM is real, totally legit, and backed by hard science. Anything that comes across as humor or satire is purely coincidental."
It was actually started because of a Kansas Board of Ed. ruling to make Intellegent design curriculum mandatory in public schools.??Someone opposed this and made up the FSM, demanding it just as legitimate as a "science" and that it should be just as required to be taught in the classroom.

Since, it has spiraled into a hillarious fad where people make drawings, "scripture", and even tattoo the FSM on their bodies.

haha.??South park just picked up the hillarity and used it a bit themselves.

Edit: See wiki for more "objective" views on the FSM http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_Spaghetti_Monster
kansas board of ed is stupid in the first place then. the guy who made fsm is my hero lol
Spaghetti monsters ... does that mean that the spaghetti comes to me now and I don't have to make it?

Give me a fork and some grated cheese and lets EAT!!!
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