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Full Version: This is Loco
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As you can guess, I'm new here. I've been really wanting to play on an MMO for a while, but I hit a roadblock on my old RO p.serv, in that I have a bunch of characters at level 80+, but without parties I can't break those last ten levels.Cry

This is because my friends say I'm misanthropic, but I blame the server being comprised mostly of WoE/PvP nuts. I really dug the creativity and social aspects of this server more though.Ok

Err... I'm actually funnier and wittier in-game, if you've heard my rude interrupting of @main. Sweat

But, the problem is a lot of the original and cool stuff on this server is only accessible to higher level players, and players who are already somewhat familiar with the server (and paying for warps, healing and custom hairstyles is sadly uncomfortable... I used to play on iRO, but after playing p.servs for so many years I've come to expect them.) Guess I'll save my rants for another thread.

So... There... Anyone low level want to party up? (And by low I mean in the 20+ range.) I have a merchant and acolyte (to alchemist and monk respectively), but I don't mind making a support character of another class since I just started out and all.
Hey, welcome to the server. I saw you on main >.>

I'm kinda new too (a month), so I just wanted to tell you will get used to the warper. Once you unlock a few, you hardly even notice it.

But since my alche is 97 I don't think we can party :D. See you soon, and have fun here.
I've been playing for a month on a 50/50 server and my alchemist is only JUST reaching level 80+ o_O

It also looks like you have the evolved vanili monster too...

What's your secret?! (And please don't say "AFKhemisting" Icon_cry )
O.o'' I'm a battle alchemist (agi), not a brewer, if that makes any difference. I thought I was taking forever to level...

And no, afkemisting isn't allowed here.
welcome to hero.

I saw the day you joined and i was like

*sees message : Loco Was born Into The world"

O.O??? wth is this??


Anyways Hope you enjoy the server.
welcome to the server Loco...
you gotta be loco to come to this server... xP

well it's a good server, so you should probably read the rules, customs, etc in the forums and wiki...

GL and HF!

Your welcome message is ginornous.
I have to say, I read like... the first two words, and the last one. D=
Sorry. >:

But I recognise the name from ingame. ;D So, welcome.
Loco....did you used to have a name "Loco Diablo" by any chance? D:
I'm ashamed to admit, I got the name from this girl

[Image: loco.jpg]
No offense, but she's creepy looking. o.O

Welcome to heRO! Icon_smile
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