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Full Version: Is Grimtooth affected by ASPD?
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Just wondering. Thanks in advance.
(taken from RMS)

Grimtooth (Skill ID# 137)
Type: Offensive Max Level: 5
Requirements: Cloaking Level 2, Sonic Blow Level 5
SP Cost: 3
Target: 1 Enemy Range: 1 + SkillLV
Attack Type: [Splash Damage, 1 cells]
Cast Time: Instant [[[After Cast Delay: ASPD]]]
Required Weapon Class: Katar
Required State: Requires Hiding skill activated
Effect: A ranged attack that hits a 3x3 area around the target for 100%+SkillLV*20% ATK. Skill only be used while Hiding (Cloaked isn't good enough). Can only be used with Katar class weapons.
Level Description
1 2 cells, 120% ATK
2 3 cells, 140% ATK
3 4 cells, 160% ATK
4 5 cells, 180% ATK
5 6 cells, 200% ATK

so yes, yes it is...
do take into account though, that once you hit a certain Aspd the limiting factor is no longer Aspd but rather your ability to sustain CTS-related pain and/or your internet connection...

The original poster did mean the skill and not the weapon right?
well it being posted as "affected" as opposed to "affect" ASPD presumably means the skill as it wouldn't make any sense that a weapon should be affect-ed by ASPD right?

well perhaps there could be a script for that:
if aspd >= 170, then ATK +5

hax... Laugh

lol wira, yea which is why there is never a check as far as i am aware on a character's aspd, it would be way too easy to make it work, though i think if you could somehow get a mage class weapon with an aspd requirement giving a bonus that'd be rather interesting.

though it could be possible to give something like matk+5% and mdef+5% if aspd >= 180 for mage type classes, the weapon would be a rod, where the only real concern would be sages, but dragonology wouldn't work as it only works with books, but yea i still don't really favor having a bonus with aspd as the requirement lol, unless of course you were trying for the lowest aspd XD
lol yeah... so make the script like so:
Matk +50
if Aspd <= X then Matk -125


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