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Taking a short Break - Printable Version

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Taking a short Break - Motenai_Ronin - 11-05-2009 01:03 AM

Starting tomorrow and running through at the Latest Saturday,

I juggernaut will be not available in game because of:

University of Central Florida Orientation Services
If any cares to know, I'm pursuing a BFA in Acting &/ Musical Theatre

I will be bringing my laptop, so I might still surf the forums and pepper in odd things. But I won't be bringing my External HD, which has the Hero client on it. I don't expect I will have a lot of free time to play Hero anyway while I'm there. I figure the Marriot won't appreciate a MMO killing their "free internet in the rooms bandwidth anyway"

That is all.

RE: Taking a short Break - Herman - 11-05-2009 01:07 AM

2 days without you.........???????

*cuts wrists*

RE: Taking a short Break - Motenai_Ronin - 11-05-2009 01:10 AM

Ha ha don't worry Hermie

p.s. we can discuss the taxing thing when I get back ^-^

RE: Taking a short Break - Sepharius - 11-05-2009 01:15 AM

Don't use hotel wifi. That crap's bugged to hell. You never know if some jackarse is tapping the networks for your keystrokes.

RE: Taking a short Break - Motenai_Ronin - 11-05-2009 01:22 AM

This is why I'm going to call them in the morning to ask if they provide free ethernet cables.

RE: Taking a short Break - mahawirasd - 11-05-2009 01:59 AM

hmmp tbh i dunno if the ethernet is that safe either... Sweat

anyhoo, best of luck with your trip! No1


RE:??Taking a short Break - Sepharius - 11-05-2009 02:08 AM

Motenai_Ronin Wrote:This is why I'm going to call them in the morning to ask if they provide free ethernet cables.

Actually, ethernet I'd say is worse. If you're using hardline, you have no way of knowing if someone took out the socket in the room and put in a device that tracks keystrokes, which basically is the same thing.

My philosophy: if it's public, it's bad. Everyone gets a turn. Pun intended.