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Pet text - Printable Version

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Pet text - Rusure - 07-06-2008 09:05 PM

Alright.. Well, I'm aware of how much work this could be, but I don't suppose there's a chance that you can add some custom text for the custom pets at all? I don't mind that my Nine Tails picks up items like a poring, but what bugs me is that he has text like "You love me more than other porings, right?" or "Poi-pok~Icon_biggrin" Which, fine as they are for porings, are annoying as hell to hear. I don't know quite how much coding would be needed to put in these texts, but I'd be willing to try and make the code if the server was willing to put it in o: It's not a very important suggestion, but meh >.<

RE: Pet text - GM-Ayu - 07-06-2008 09:09 PM

They all share the same line as poring (well at least I think Succubus is. I don't have other custom pet XD; ) So, if you modify a poring, then all the custom pets along with poring will say the same thing.

It's not hard to modify pet speeches yourself though, but it'll be a one sided changes. What your modified pet say won't be seen by the others in the server.

RE: Pet text - ~LSANotes - 07-06-2008 09:15 PM

So is there a way to make the changes heard by all?

RE: Pet text - Force-Attuned Krogoth - 07-06-2008 11:15 PM

You can't make your normal pettalk heard by all, because when the server says "pets talk now" every client within range picks at random from teh appropriate lines in their pettalk.xml file. However, you can make your pet say something for all and sundry, as we have the @pettalk command.

As for the custom pets, I *think* they have their own pettalk, but it's copy-pasted from poring, except for Kraben and maybe Wild Rose. Pettalk is buried in the grf files, but I'll dig it up and check for sure.

Ayu was right, they don't have separate entries. I'm not sure how it decides which pet script to read from; I've never gotten that far with making custom pets.

RE: Pet text - Rusure - 07-06-2008 11:44 PM

I see. D: Well.. I'll look into it a bit, and see if there's not something I can help out with on it. There may be somethin' on the eAthena boards or something. ._. Thanks for the replies.

Oh snap. I didn't even look up at the stickies. It looks like Pandora has a thread about this already.

RE: Pet text - GM-Pandora - 07-07-2008 10:18 AM

I haven't found a way to make the custom pet have any other lines than poring. At best I could edit poring text to remove all the "poring-unique" lines and make it more general.

I think it must be doable to have custom pet talk, just haven't found how to do it yet.

RE: Pet text - Rusure - 07-11-2008 11:58 PM

Well, I downloaded and made my own server to try and figure this out, and I think I have an idea of how we can do it.. Maybe. But it'll take a little poking here and there to see what is required, what the limitations are, etc. Before I really do this, tho, if I figure it out, would you be willing to change the text? o;

RE: Pet text - GM-Pandora - 07-14-2008 04:27 PM

Yeah I most likely want to add it, unless it's really a pain on my side. But before you go and work all that, whats your idea?