Dominoes Cap Quest

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Dominoes Cap Quest

Base Level:

Any (30 to wear them)

Job Class:




Items (Consumed):

  • 10x Meat
  • 10x Bag of Grain
  • 15x Cheese
  • 5x Egg
  • 5x Red Spice

Base Experience:


Job Experience:



Dominoes Cap

A delivery hat usually worn by the employees of Dominoes, wearing it makes you swift!

AGI +2, +1 Crit per refine, Add a (0.41 + monster level * 0.04)% of gaining "Pizza" each time a monster is killed.

Dominoes Cap Quest

1. Find one of the Dominoes Recruiters, they can be found in Alberta (48, 226), Payon (167 173) or Yuno (167, 173).

RecruiterDC alberta.jpgRecruiterDC payon.jpgRecruiterDC yuno.jpg

2. Talk to the recruiter. She will ask if you are interested in the Dominoes company. After advertising about the company she says they need new employees. She tells you to visit the Dominoes Manager, she can either warp you there or you can walk to the place yourself. If you choose to walk there, the location of the building is Payon (155, 324).

Dominoes building.jpgDominoes manager.jpg

3. Talk to the manager. Tell him you want a delivery job. Talk to the manager again, and sign the papers he give you. The Dominoes company is short on supplies, and asks you to bring the following items to the store.

  • 10x Meat
  • 10x Bag of Grain
  • 15x Cheese
  • 5x Egg
  • 5x Red Spice

4. After you gather all the ingredients take them to the manager. Now you actually go deliver some pizzas to some customers. You may go in any order to deliver the pizzas.

  • Robert, he can be found on a roof in the west part of Alberta (62, 126).


  • Albert, he is waiting near the milk vendors in Prontera (67, 151).


  • Miria, she will be waiting near the Bingo area in Hugel (65, 210)


  • Lena, she will be in the center of Izlude (137, 158)


  • Lily, she will be close to the market in Yuno (193, 104)


5. Once you delivered all the pizza's go see the Manager again, he just got word from the customers and is happy with you. He tells you they now have a new automatic delivery service so he doesn't need you anymore but gives a Dominoes Cap as token of appreciation.

  • He now sells Pizzas for 3k ea.

Dominoes Cap.jpg