Valentine's Day Quest - 2019

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This seasonal quest is currently unavailable on heRO.
When it becomes available again, this notice will be removed.

Valentine's Day Quest - 2019

Base Level:



Base Experience:


Job Experience:



  • 1 Love Love Balloon or Past Valentine's Day Gears, or a random choice of Hip Ties and Ribbons
  • Level 80~90: 3 Oridecon or 3 Elunium
  • Level 90~95: 2 Old Green Boxes or 2 Taming Gift Sets
  • Level 95+: 1 Rough Enriched Ore

Quest Rewards:

20 Orc Reputation Points

Relive the time when Roma & Jule journeyed to Malangdo to begin their lives anew!

1. Talk to the orc in Prontera, just a few cells below the healer. He'll ask you to find an orc lady who is waiting for him.

2. At the central west part of Prontera Field 10 (prt_fild10 80 134) you'll find an orc lady, talk to her.

3. Return to Jule the orc in pront, who'll ask you to meet his beloved Roma again near Geffen Fields.

4. At the western shoreline of Geffen Field 09 (gef_fild09 138 165) Roma will ask you to escort her to Jule. There is a time limit of a few minutes to complete this portion of the quest. If you fail to escort her in time, you will have to repeat this step again.

5. Take Roma 3 maps east to the river's edge in the southwest part of Prontera's west field (prt_fild05 91 157), where Jule is waiting for her.

6. The orcs want to flee Rune-Midgard, and a guard who is helping you and the orcs will warp you three to the Fortress Saint Darmain's southern expanse (cmd_fild09 146 171).

7. From there, you must escort Roma & Jule west, to the ship on the southwestern part of Beacon Island (cmd_fild07 68 121). There is a time limit of a few minutes to complete this portion of the quest. If you fail to escort them in time, you will have to repeat this step again.

8. The orcs will travel by ship with Marc to Malangdo, and you must join them. At this point you enter an instance.

9. Waves of mobs will attack the ship, and must all be defeated. Roma & Jule will assist you in battle. If either of them fall in battle, the instance ends and you must start the instance again. You will have access to heal and storage while in the ship.

10. After a few waves, you'll encounter an anglerfish with 100,000 HP, and after you beat it, you'll fight a coelacanth with 200,000 HP.

11. Once done, you'll reach malangdo, where you will obtain both experience, and the 2019 Valentine's Day reward headgear, or Hip Ties and Ribbons of various colors, or a past Valentine's Day headgear at random. You will also obtain 20 Orc Reputation Points, which will serve a future purpose. If you are Level 80 or higher, you will obtain additional items as well.