Lutia Reputation Rewards

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Lutia Reputation Rewards

Quest Prerequisites:

300-2,000 Lutia reputation points



Auraquartzcrown.png 1 Costume Aura Quartz Crown
Eventbag.png 3 Event Bag
Oldcardalbum.png 1 Old Card Album

Quest Rewards:

2 Lutia region pets
See reputation extras below

Many people call the snowy land of Lutia home in fields and towns across the region. Meet up with them and some may ask for assistance, offering Lutia reputation points for your aid in their challenges. However, while you may receive rewards from individuals, there is someone else taking note of your actions in Lutia as your reputation grows.

In the center of the town of Lutie, Santa has taken up residence. Visit him and you may find yourself on his nice list with presents coming your way.

Point Rewards

At 1,500 points, Santa will reward you with your choice of 1 pet Ijsbal, Kalpea Henki, Pale Vulpine, or Snow Moth from the Lutia Region.

Ijsbal.gif Kalpeahenki.gif Palidvulpine.gif Snowmoth.gif

At 2,000 points, Santa has another choice of Lutia pet for you, a Costume Aura Quartz Crown, 3 Event Bags, and 1 Old Card Album.

Note: These rewards are not repeatable. You can, however, gain reputation points on another character to receive these rewards again.

Quest Unlocks

Stop in Farsat to work with a scientist studying a strange breed of filir in the area for a repeatable experience and reputation points reward.

Find the source of a local weather anomaly with this meteorological mystery. Finishing this quest unlocks access to an icy castle where you can fight the MVP Snow Queen.

Help a conservationist in Farsat with this quest to protect the balance of the Pingvi population to receive reputation points and a small amount of experience with this repeatable hunting quest.

Facilitate repair maintenance on the Kaldheim train service and earn a bundle of experience, reputation points, and items.

Help a restless spirit find peace by solving a crime across the Lutia region for a large amount of reputation points, experience, and items.

Crafting Extras

Travel to Kaldheim to visit Fieg for his crafting services. Your reputation level helps in the creation of over 175 costumes.

See Also