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(the wiki is not dead! at least not yet, or I hope so)

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Link to General Information
Modern Chronicles
Ancient Chronicles
Terminology Guide
Dark Allegaince Characters
Light Allegiance Characters
Other Characters


The Chronicle of the Heroes will be moved to the heRO wiki as the source of most information. There is a general information page along with a break up into many details of the Chronicles of the Heroes as well, though for now many pages still require major catch up and needs work to be done.

Link to General Information

The Chronicle is also broken up into 2 major divisions now.

We have the Ancient Chronicles, which is the period of heRO story before the old "Ch. 14" classification. Mostly this part of the chronicle is written by GM-Mystra and GM-Pandora, occassionally inputs from GM-Auron, an ex-GM of heRO server. It depicts of the past, especially the beginning of the Allegiance battles.

The other division is the Modern Chronicles. It depicts of the present day battle, starting off with the old Ch. 14 Shadow Side Story.

Instead of a clear chapter division, we'll slowly add to the chronicle as story moves on, similar to how you Prontera Nobility News report whenever there is development in the story. It gives GM a much needed flexibility to decide what should happen instead of a clear-cut arc against a certain enemy or target.

A new section of the Modern Chronicle, "Diverging Paths" have started. The entries of "Eternal Winter" and "Overflow of Magic" dictating the recent events have been added to this section.

List of Characters and Terminology guide also started, though they are not very eventful and are very empty at the moment. I'll try my best to fill them in a little bit at a time.


"So really, what's new anyway? Is the heRO story dead?"

Well, first of all we are working on higher priority things at the moment, like the many things that are broken in heRO server right now ><; I'm almost certain that this summer, the two allegiances will diverge so light/dark do have some differences (and it'll actually matter which side do you want to join, besides being spiffy with wings) yet still having no total advantage to join one side over the other. All I can say about the future in terms of something 'concrete' is to give you a few pictures related to this: (note: concrete doesn't mean 100% decided, but just something more than words so GMs aren't totally bluffing and pretending to work is what I meant)

[Image: screeneathena007.jpg]

[Image: screeneathena009.jpg]

[Image: screeneathena010.jpg]

[Image: screeneathena011.jpg]

(let's hope that these screenshots won't take the foosteps of Duke Nukem Wait Forever!)
For some reason battlegrounds came to mind when I saw those screenshots Sweat

So much work and not much help on the wiki stuff eh? ._.
You probably should add some of the other nobles into the dark/light allegience characters later Icon_razz
GM-Ayu Wrote:(let's hope that these screenshots won't take the foosteps of Duke Nukem Wait Forever!)

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