Schematic Crafting

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Schematics found in the world can be used to craft exclusive costumes not found elsewhere. With a schematic in hand, travel to Caerulia and find the fairy Minda, located on the sidewalk west of town center. Giving it to her unlocks costumes associated with the type of schematic that she will offer to craft in exchange for a material cost of two runestones and zeny. Costumes are assigned to four ranks of crafting difficulty that define a success or failure chance, the runestone type used, and the zeny required. The success and failure rate is also influenced by a character's Faeheim reputation points where higher reputation increases the chance of crafting success.

Note: While Minda's information in person and the table below mention regular and destructive failure, they are treated as the same in result. The costume is either crafted successfully or fails, with both runestones and zeny lost.

Crafting Requirements

The table below displays the crafting cost and success rate for each rank of costume. The success chance is shown with a range scaled on having zero reputation points to the max 2,000 points.

Rank Required Runestone Zeny Cost Base/Max Success Rate Base/Max Regular Failure Rate Base/Max Destructive Failure Rate
Rank 1
2x General Rune 100,000 50 -> 85% 25 -> 15% 25 -> 0%
Rank 2
2x Ancient Rune 200,000 40 -> 80% 25 -> 15% 35 -> 5%
Rank 3
2x Mystic Rune 300,000 30 -> 75% 25 -> 15% 45 -> 10%
Rank 4
2x Rare Rune 400,000 20 -> 70% 25 -> 15% 55 -> 15%

Schematic Types

These are the currently known schematics that players can find. More schematics exist that may one day be released to discover.

Schematic.png Kiel's Robotic Schematics
Schematic.png Valentine Schematics

Schematic Costumes

Costume Rank Type Schematic
Drooping Alicel 2 Upper Kiel
Drooping Aliot 3 Upper Kiel
Drooping Kiel 4 Upper Kiel
Lovely Heart Cap 1 Upper Valentine
Love Cheeks.png
Love Cheeks 2 Mid Valentine
Love Fragment 2 Lower Valentine
Love Love Balloon.png
Love Love Balloon 3 Lower Valentine