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Full Version: What Movie or DVD have you seen recently?
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Avatar: I liked the movie, but for some reason I find the world of Pandora similar to PSO.

Princess and the Frog: Sadly cause of my wife I had to see it in spanish but the movie was funny and had it's moments.

2012: We are pretty much #$%$ Laugh
Avatar was pretty chill, but all the brain switching jazz didn't really catch on with me.
2012-> the day after tomorrow was better ._.

The Men Who Stare at Goats-> I bet the USA really tried a program similar...
2012 is Very fresh and entertaining spin on the whole end of the world thing brought to the big screen. I enjoyed it throughly I just wish the acting could have been a bit better but that's what you get with a movie packed with visual effects. Would most definitely watch this movie again and would recommend this film to anyone for a good solid watch.
at least this bot DOES know how to use the search, but it bumps old topics >.>
Wasn't really that old lol
not this one, the transformers and some other got bumped XD


I have just seem the Final Destination 4 and the robin hood 2 it was a fantastic and I have enjoyed both of them. It was a great time pass movies and the best action pack.
lol, just lol
in the cinema : Resident Evil 3D , really lovely movie
on tv : Lara Croft - Tomb Raider
on my laptop : Eurotrip, that is a nice funny movie :D
on dvd : Final Fantasy VII Advent Children
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