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PC> Evil Nymph Card?

Not really sure how much this is...
Willow Card, please ,,o w o,,
It's a hatter, yes -- but i want that +80 maxSP on a super novice hat.
What'll be the fair price to buy it for?

edit: Thank you Kittie!
Dead Tree Cane, is available however i'm not sure about the price but i've seen them being sold before.

Evil Nymph Card, sorry no idea.

Willow Card, i doubt people will buy them for more then the hatter price, selling however, i'm sure people will try to make more out of it. Even though i personally think 400K is a decent price for it to buy and sell it for.
Another ones; Giearth card, and a Spare Card ,,> v <,,?
Spare card I think is 6mil

ETA sorry for the double post and delete. Hard to post from my phone. XD;
evil nymph is 500k-1m imho. It's not that great, but there is a still a use for it.

giearth is hard to give a proper pc for. There was a time when pvp/bg/woe ppl seem to love it, but otherwise there's not much transaction done... My gut feeling says 4-5m should be quite acceptable for both parties unless there's a real rush or something...

i have a withered branch staff. Personally, I don't think it's that great. I realize it's probably designed for renewal-related MATK calculations - which means it's not going to be of much use here either. Nevertheless, it's quite rare and i myself have no plan on selling mine. Therefore perhaps you can start offering 3-5m (or more) and maybe someone will sell you one...

PC> +3dex orlean uniform+7 and life tree wooden shoes
urgh life tree wooden shoes are hard to PC, but imho 10-25m. Personally i don't think it's worth more than 10-15, but the last two auctions (a LONG time ago) went for about 22 and 25 iirc.

let's say orleans are easy to farm or merely a by-product of ppl doing nameless and thus negligible in cost.
it costs 400k a pop to attempt the stat enchant. It's 10% chance to get +3 stats, it's a 1/6 chance to get the stat you want. It is important to remember that DEX is most probably the only worthwhile stat for orleans since everything else could be had better in other armors for trans chars. So yah, expect to pay around 10m for it or go farm it yourself.

PC > Bradium Earing please?
PC> Ledger of Death [2]
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