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Who: Merchik2
How long: Jailed for 24 hours.
What s/he did: Vending too close to portal (Upgrader)
Who: VEntado
How Long: 12 hours
What s/he did: Vending too close to an NPC (Allegiance)

A reminder that the rule includes ALL NPCs and warps.
Who: dT-Merch
How Long: 12 hours
What s/he did: Vending on Pront street
Who: Cedron
How long: 12 hours
What he/she did: Vending directly ontop of another merchant.
Who: Fear-AND-Loathing
How long: Jailed for 12 hours.
What s/he did: Vending too close to portal (Refiner)
Who: Ferb Fletcher
How Long: 12 Hours
What s/he did: Vending on Pront road.

Even though there is water over it, it's still Pront road and cobblestones.
Just like vending on the street in snowy Pront won't save you from a jailing, even though there is snow between you and the street. No1
Who: Zamu
How Long: 12 hours
What s/he did: Vending too close to an NPC (Izlude Kafra)
Who: haruka_02, VENDADOR!, SLarkiE
How long: 12 hours
What he/she did: Vending too close to multiple NPCs(Banker and Allegiance.)
Who: The Pet Whisperer~
How long: 12 hours
What he/she did: Vending too close to a NPC (Vurewell, an npc inside the prontera refinery)
Who: ~Moth
How long: 24 hours + apology is sent via Support Ticket for Disrespect of another player.
What he/she did: Disrespect of another player, Threatening a player with mob Dropping
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