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Who: Z? Pequeno
How Long: 12 Hours
What He/She Did: Vending too close to portal (Pront Tool Shop)

Who: ~PahTooTeey~
How Long: 12 hours
What He/She Did: Vending too close to portal (Pront Tool Shop)

Who: Mini Rage
How Long: 12 Hours
What He/She Did: Vending too close to portal (Pront Tool Shop)
Name: dammi i soldi bastardo
How Long: 12 hours
What s/he did: Inappropriate shop name. This is not the place for porn, even if it is the internet.
Who: Emosin
How long: 12 hours
What he/she did: Vending too close to NPC (ToH Warper)

Who: bony
Why: Being within pinching range of Murtagh McHarg, the Manly NPC Man.
How Long: 12 hours.

Who: B-Smith~
Why: Being within pinching range of Murtagh McHarg, the Manly NPC Man.
How Long: 12 hours.

Who: i sail u 1337 producks
Why: Being within pinching range of Valdes, a not-as-manly-as-Murtagh NPC man.
How Long: 12 hours.

Pinching range, in this instance, is the 3 cell limit.

Who: Buy From Me
How long: 12 hours
What he/she did: Vending directly on-top of another merchant.

Who: KillgoesVend
How long: 12 hours
What he/she did: Vending too close to NPC (Banker)
Who: kyoya
How long: 12 hours
What he/she did: Vending too close to NPC (WoE Info)

Who: Bote Bakal
How long: 12 hours
What he/she did: Vending too close to NPC (Banker and Allegiance)
Name: Number One
How long: 12 Hours
What s/he did: Vending next to an NPC (Prontera Banker)
Who: Hard
How long: 18 hours
What he/she did: Vending too close to NPC (Warp NPC) & Vending on a monster map
Who: Dragon Ball Shop
How Long: 12 hours
Why: Vending too close to the Resetter

Who: Trader1
How Long: 12 hours
Why: Setting up shop too close to the WoE Info guy NPC thingy person.

Name: Master of Sales
How long: 12 Hours
What s/he did: Inappropriate shop name.
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