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Full Version: Jailed List
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Who: Old Whitesmith
How Long: 12 hours
What he/she did: Vending too close to portal (Refiner)

Who: cyck
How Long: 12 hours
What he/she did: Vending too close to portal (Refiner)

Who: Bloodman1
How Long: 12 hours
What he/she did: Vending too close to portal (Refiner)
Who: Success
How long: 12 hours
What he/she did: Vending too close to NPC (WoE Info)
Who: MightyMerch
How long: 24 hours
What he/she did: Vending on a map with monsters (Ice Dungeon lvl 1)
How Long: 12 hours
What s/he did: Vending too close to an NPC (Izlude Kafra)
Who: Zbay
How Long: 12 hours
What He/She Did: Vend too close to portal (Prontera Refiner)
Who: Hard
How Long: 12 Hours
What He/She Did: Vending too close to NPC (Allegiance)
Who: Roustorinette
How long: 12 hours
What he/she did: Vending too close to warp portal (Tool Dealer)
Mod jailings for the past week or so:

Who: Pyrolostate
How Long: 12 Hours
What He/She/ Did: Vending too close to portal (Pront Refiner)

How Long: 12 Hours
What He/She Did: Vending too close to portal (Prontera Refiner)

Who: :::cyland:::
How Long: 12 hours
What He/She Did: Opening a chat in middle of Prontera and refusing to close it

Who: kororo23
How Long: 12 hours
What He/She Did: Chat open in Prontera streets (Mission Board NPC)

Who: Traficante De Drogas
How Long: 12hours
What He/She Did: Vending within 3 cells of an NPC (Banker and Allegiance)

Who: Mortier
How Long: 12 Hours
What He/She Did: Vending too close to NPC (Izlude Kafra)

Who: Hammerheart
How Long: jailed 12 hours
What S/he did: Parked their shop within 3 cells of the warp to the room with the stat resetter in Pront.

Who: Traficante De Drogas
How Long: Jailed 12 hours
What they did: parked their vendor right next to the Banker NPC in Prontera
Who: ELU Seller
How long: 12 hours
What he/she did: Vending directly ontop of another merchant.
Who: Emilly
How Long: 24 Hours
What He/She Did: Vending too close to portal (Pront Tool Dealer, Second Offense)
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