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Who: Hatsu Tamamiya
How long: 12 hours
What he/she did: Vending directly ontop of another merchant.
Who: Wozek
How long: 12 hours
Why: Vending too close to a sign NPC
How long: 12 hours
What he/she did: Vending in the middle of Prontera (not on Sidewalk)
Who: OoSabrinaoO
How long: 12 hours
What he/she did: Vending too close to NPC (Vurewell)
Who: R3D MoneyBags
How long: 12 hours
What he/she did: Vending directly on-top of another merchant.
Who: The trafficant
How long: 12 hours
What he/she did: Vending too close to warp portal (Reseter)
Who: Haunted
How long: 12 Hours
What s/he did: Inappropriate party name
Who: Phoenix Nox
How Long: 12 hours
Why: Vending too close to an NPC. Yes, signs are NPCs.
Who: Madara Vendor
How Long: 12 hours
What s/he did: Vending too close to an NPC (Allegiance)
Who: wallbanger
How long: 12 hours
What s/he did: Vending too close to an NPC (Allegiance)
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