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Full Version: Jailed List
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Who: M e r c h A n d ! z e
How long: 12 hours
What s/he did: Vending on the street of Prontera
Who: Chronno
How long: 12 hours
What s/he did: Vending in a dungeon.
Who: Madara Vendor
How Long: 24 hours
What s/he did: Vending too close to an NPC again (Allegiance)
Who: Chronno

The offense: Vending in a map with monster and failure to under English when confronted about it.

The penalty: 1 week + apology via support ticket proving to understand all rules
Who: NineDragon'
How Long: 12 hours
What s/he did: Vending too close to an NPC (Allegiance)
Who: Ashton
How Long: 12 Hours
What s/he did: Vending too close to an NPC (WoE Info)

Who: Sucateiro
How Long: 12 hours
What s/he did: Vending too close to an NPC (WoE Info)

Who: Ippon-Datara
How Long: 12 hours
What s/he did: Vending too close to a warp (Refiner)

Who: Boba.
How Long: 12 hours
What s/he did: Vending too close to an NPC (Izlude Kafra)
Who: Mercadante
How Long: 12 hours
What s/he did: Vending too close to an NPC (WoE Info)
Who: Dinheirus
How long: 12 hours
What for: Invading the personal space of the WoE Info NPC.
Who: Bacaduma
How Long: 12 hours
What s/he did: Vending too close to an NPC (Woe Info)
Who: Mai Waifu
How Long: 12 hours
What s/he did: Vending too close to an NPC (Geffen Nobility and PvP)
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