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Full Version: Jailed List
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[Image: hmm.gif]
Who: Valkirye
Reason: Disrespecting Squall
Duration: a few days and he has to appologize to Squall
Who: Cucu
Duration: 1 day
Reason: Luring mvp in bio into another party
Who: SkeetOnFace
Duration: 3 days
Reason: Lurin purpousingly mvps into an afk party and ressurecting them so they get killed again u.u
Please avoid this kind of behavior, it wont help at all, no one o.o. It's not even funny u.u
While I'm VERYVERY late to check this post, (I dont know why it never showed up as updated to me whenever I come on the forums /hmm) I unjailed SkeetOnFace 2 days early by mistake. Skeet told me Chocolate jailed him for a day (I wasnt logged in when it happened) and that he served his time. Im going to increase the jail time because he lied to me.

On the inferno issue, (even tho its resolved) Sesshomaru, I apologize if you feel that the jail was completely unfair. But no where was I actually "unfair" to him. I was with inferno for at least 30 min trying to give him simple instructions so I could proceed with the dual client check. and you know what? I think he WAS dual clienting but I had to let him slide because he "cant speak english". If an english speaking player failed that check, he would have been perminantly banned. Just because Inferno couldnt speak english he basically got a free pass to avoid ban, and that makes me angry. While I should have asked Pandora to perma ban his sorry behind I didnt. And next time, I'm warning you right now if inferno fail to comply with my dual client check, its going to be ban. I wont hear any excuses from anyone. Hate me all you want but I'll do what I think is right.
Who: Flamage
Duration: Until he appologizes
Reason: Spamming over 15 lines of question mark on main (?????????????) for no apparent reason.
Who: Kazuya
Duration: 1 day
Reason: Snaping monsters to lure at a party in BIO3
/hmm Choco what about Shiva and the icewalling?...Question Mark
Who: *gorium*
Duration: 2 days + Appology to Bloody
Reason: Insults.

Who: Shiva
Duration: 2 days
Reason: Ice Walling in Bio preventing people from going where they intended.

Who: ?KisH?
Duration: 2 days
Reason: KSing plants that a chemist was summoning.

I also want to let everyone know that there will be much less jailing in the future since they only prevent people from reaching 1 character and it leaves them free to use any other, we will start doing temp ban instead, on all the person's account if necessary or temp ip ban, depending on the offense/offender.
Hi pandora, it is gorium ~

I know what i did... and i know that was incorrect! i'm happy for getting jailled! it is funny but true.

I really got mad about bloody first! and i knew what could happen!

but i bag you... if u want me to stop playing... come to me and say "dont play heRO for 2 days... and i ll not play this server...

Because, me and my brother play in the same computer, so, same IP..!
I really dont care... and i ll appology bloody.. he is not a fucking noob.. just a noob! i start by here!

SORRY Bloody, i didnt want to hurt you ~ i was just angry =O
i ll be there in the night pand... with my another char "Mr. Ishda" talk to me and if u want me to stop playing.. just tell me! i dont care, i know what is correct... ;D

cya! thx for all
WOW! you can get jailed for killing plants that a chamist was summoning? wow if i knew that rei wouldve gotten jailed tons of times..Icon_suprised Thats good to know.
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