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I guess so Icon_biggrin but you gotta be there at the next meeting!
GM-Pandora Wrote:Meh '>_> *doesn't like to show pictures of herself* (so I'll be a meany and edit his post Icon_twisted

I'm shocked Panda. Being mean to me is one thing, but to the poor little girl who's only wish was just to see her beloved GM's photo in admiration?

Poor apple. /pat

Don't worry, I got it for you again. No1
I'm not trying to be mean to the sweet apple, on the contrary, I'm merely sparing her disappointment ^_^ *stolen again*
Icon_lol wow Ms.Pandora you took it twiceLaugh person who you took it from must be very sadIcon_eek

your soo nice i'd think you are very pretty. i think i can tell from the way you act, You so nice too me and others unless thay being notyIcon_eek??soo you must be PRETTY

All shall BOW DOWN toooo....... PANDORA!??muhahahaha!No1

and if anyone does not i will throwz killer cupcakes at themIcon_twisted

/lv;Apple Lurves youLove
When did nice and pretty get associated exactly? XD
Aww, Panda.??Icon_cry

You was wearing a cute Panda hat n everything.??All smilin for the camera.??xp??You care too much about your image.??You focus too much on one thing to even realize you're actually an attractive person.??In any case, what Apple says is true, you're the sweetest thing here on heRO and everyone loves you.??Even Bloody, and he's an asshole.??Laugh (jkjk xp)

It's completely up to you whether you wish for people to know what you look like.??However, I think you'd kick the ass of any GM who you feel is more photogenic.??=p

I'd strongly urge everyone to search the forums for a certain word in titles... But then you'd just delete the picture entire and we're left to describe Phantom Panda to masses.??"She wore a hat of Panda fur!??Hair to her elbows, I tells ya!??There were twelve of em in all - GM's, testers, players alike.??All of em Canadian!"??xD
Well I could take it down entirely if I wanted, but I wont, first cuz its a group photo would be a shame, secondly I'm just playing around sorta. But I don't really like putting my picture out there. There were 2 pictures originally, but some ppl were mean and I took one down :\

Thanks nonetheless Icon_smile
Panda's sexy. :]
Yeah she is, hey Pan, since I'm alone now, wanna try *wink* *wink* Icon_wink?
GM-Mystra Wrote:Yeah she is, hey Pan, since I'm alone now, wanna try *wink* *wink* Icon_wink?

Don't do it, Panda!??D:

It's a trap!??=3
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