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instant lose = I reject all of your posts and substitute my own!
And you get denied as well my friend

And here's to expecting it myself.
:: gigglesnorts :: silly Summer, why would I let you win this when it should be me who gets the prize?
because in the same amount of time that we're trolling each other, you could make 25 times the prize money at rachel's birdman map.

In other news, my thumbnail has changed! It now proudly displays purple, red, black and sky blue! All without paint or cosmetics, or markers or inks or anything of that nature! And god damn I need some rum!

You've never had fun until you've gotten a digit slammed in a car door.
Try having a huge wind gust slam a solid-core oak door on the intermediate phalanx of your middle finger.??That hurt like a bitch (but didn't break the skin OR the bone surprisingly.??It just swelled up like a swordy going pally).

Anywho, new Dysfunctional Family Circus via yours truly:

Circe Edit: Language rules also apply on images posted on the forums. Removed image tags.


Do they have The Family Circus in other countries?
I love how the mom's always like "Whatever kid" on all of those comics.

Fraid I've never had the pleasure of weather related injury.
are those really the script whispers? o.o
Nah, Family circus is from the local newspapers, they wouldn't have that racist/sexist funny crap in it.

Not sure what country/state your in whispers but I get family circus in Michigan, USA.
lol, no, Spam.??The idea is to erase the original text and make your own caption.

@Joe, I couldn't play my guitar for weeks after that one because I couldn't flex my finger.??I still have a bump on the anterior side of the aforementioned phalanx and it only flexes about 90% now.??=[
I can play guitar again, though, as well I usetacould.??Don't need to flex your fingers all the way to sound a tone.??:D
How's your finger doin???Yes, the thumb is a finger.??Don't argue with me, because this is one of my least favorite arguments.??Icon_mad
Also, I'm from in Wichita, KS, USA.??Ok

[Image: DFCDadDrinkHeadBDay.png]

[Edited because I'm from Dallas, TX.??Kansas sucks.??Texas is No1]
Well, considering it just happened today, and the fact that I've been medicated and boozed up, I'm pretty well off, but it still stings like a mother trucker. And the colors of the bruising are quite amusing to me for some reason I can't explain.

I wouldn't say it's stiff since most of the bruising is right underneath the nail. x_x But I gotta say it makes opening glass jars (like pickle jars) real interesting with 1 usable thumb (I could use em both if I wasn't such a baby!).
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