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And the moral of this story is???Ok

P.S. wutwut stop spending so much money on groceries it's only food.
Lol don't be too materialistic?
ManiacManiac19 Wrote:And the moral of this story is???Ok

P.S. wutwut stop spending so much money on groceries it's only food.

There is no moral! Stories don't need morals, silly. xp
Whispers Wrote:
ManiacManiac19 Wrote:And the moral of this story is???Ok

P.S. wutwut stop spending so much money on groceries it's only food.

There is no moral!??Stories don't need morals, silly.??xp

I think we can always pick one out.
Summerstream Wrote:
Whispers Wrote:
ManiacManiac19 Wrote:And the moral of this story is???Ok

P.S. wutwut stop spending so much money on groceries it's only food.

There is no moral!??Stories don't need morals, silly.??xp

I think we can always pick one out.

I always hated that in English class, when they had us find the moral of stories.??Why do stories have to have morals???Can't we just enjoy the tale and go on with our lives???D:

Then again, that's prolly just the AS talking.??I could never find the moral of any story unless it was written (e.g., "And so she learned to never speak animatedly whilst holding a knife.").??Laugh
Whispers Wrote:Then again, that's prolly just the AS talking.
Ankylosing spondylitis? We all have problems, K.

The moral of the story is "Cars need gas to run."
On the internet,??never ask people??if they want to hear how your day was.??More than likely you'll get??people saying no. Instead, do not give them an option, and??post your story anyway!

That way, those jerks who would have said no would have the option of either making themselves look like buttholes (ie flaming and trolling and topic de-railment), ignoring your post altogether, or??actually contributing something positive to the thread!

Also, this is to epic not to post!
[Image: chatroulettetrollingtld.jpg]

This dude is pro!

I love that guy!
i dont get it
That guy's just an asshole. D:
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