heRO-Server Forum

Full Version: The lets keep Voting for HeRO Thread.
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Yaaay. Whistle
IMO, I prefer if we were 2nd or 3rd, but never first. A lot of undesirable people always come if we get first. >_>
Actually, that's oddly true, but that's why we have GM's who can ban.
1st is always nice. Ok
What undesirable person came to the server since we had the first place? Most new people I met seemed nice ^_^;

Anyhow, if you prefer to see us at number 2 spot I got a feeling that will happen sooner or later, the server below us has been getting an insane amount of reviews over a short period. -_-

Thanks to our latest reviewers: Love Acanthus, naruhodo, RaistlinMajere, Whispers, hiropyro, Barbonsa (king of caps -_-), Cucu (<3), Lykanthric Aura, AzulTagnikzur, proto, Edward_Elric & Synthet.

@Landon I think you rated us a bit harshly, but thanks for the feedback nonetheless. I don't know what time you play but I can garantee you there's a GM online every day, I always have a char in game afk to see GMs broadcast (and new names) so I can vouch for their activity. Anyhow, when no gm is on there's always the support ticket system. We also try to bring a variety of original events, if the one's you've seen are too common you're welcome to send in suggestions.
Vote vote vote!!! Review review review!!! RAWR!

Just check my signature.
I haven't updated this in a long while now ^_^; But we got quite a few more reviews over this last month!

Thanks to Luncheon, cocoafairy, Hitoo, OverlordHiro, Crashy, Porring, Mumu, Noocytde, abish, bluelobster, Tulwar, sarver, Nehematook, Memnoch, Sharpay, Proxyt and Franchives!

Sadly we lost our 100 reviews mark that would've been nice to keep, so if you got a spare moment, be sure to give us a new or renewed review for heRO server on RMS!
Let's keep voting! New month means a fresh start on numbers so lets try to get them going again! RMS reviews only take a few more min to do then votes but have a huge impact! Let's try to take the #1 spot again!
I doubt you want me to vote as long as I am/the server is lagging.
Yeah because a momentary problem that would last some days can completely change your opinion on a server... <.<

Or Miss panda gets it... *holds a muffin on panda's head*

Now I need to quit being lazy, and make an account on rms so I can write a review Sweat
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